
Vision: "To be the best in class Electronic Solutions Provider in Europe offering Customers End-to-End services"

Min roll: KAM och Supply Chain Manager

Referens Johan Holm, VD Fideltronik Scandinavia AB

Phone 0513-54500



Affärsidé: ITAB ska erbjuda kompletta butikskoncept för butikskedjor inom detaljhandeln.

Min roll: Inköpschef

Referens Roger Johansson, Chief Business Officer, Market Area Scandinavia ITAB

Phone: 036-317339



Affärsidé: Brand Factory löser problem inom branding och visuell kommunikation

Min roll: Inköpschef Sverige samt Fleet and Installation Manager

Referens Marie Sellgren, HR Manager Brand Factory

Phone: 010-4510011



Delphi Automotive Systems Sweden AB

Delphi is a high-technology company that integrates safer, greener and more connected solutions for the automotive sector

Min roll: Inköpschef Sverige och Belgien

Referens Per Nyqvist,

VD Delphi Automotive Systems Sweden AB

Phone: 0705115850